Prayer to the Theotokos before the Icon 'Inexhaustible Chalice' Chalice'

Troparion, voice 4:
Today the faithful come to the divine and marvelous image of the Most Holy Mother of God, who fill the hearts of the faithful with the heavenly Unopenable Cup of Her mercy, and who shows miracles to the faithful. We who see and hear these things celebrate them spiritually and cry out warmly: O Most Gracious Lady, heal our infirmities and passions, beseeching Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.
A chosen and marvelous deliverance has been bestowed upon us - Your fair image, O Lady Theotokos, for having been delivered by its appearance from infirmities of mind and body and from sorrowful circumstances, we offer You, O Most Gracious Protector, grateful praise. But Thou, O Lord, who art called by us the Unopenable Cup, bend down kindly to our sighs and cries of the heart, and grant deliverance to those who suffer from the disease of pianism, so that we may cry to Thee in faith: Rejoice, O Lady, O Unopenable Cup, quenching our spiritual thirst.
O Merciful Mother of God, to your intercession we now invoke, do not despise our prayers, but mercifully hear us, wives, children, mothers, and those who are possessed by the grievous disease of pianism, and for this cause, for the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ, and for the salvation of our brothers, sisters, and relatives who are falling away, heal them.O merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and soon raise them from the fallenness of sin and bring them to a salvific temperance.Beg Your Son, Christ our God, that He may forgive us our trespasses and not turn His mercy away from His people, but strengthen us in temperance and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Mother of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children who are poor and weak, who have been abandoned by the lost, and of all of us who pray to Thy icon, and may this cry of ours, through Thy prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover us and keep us from the wiles of evil and all the wiles of the enemy. But in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the tax collectors of the air without fail, and by thy prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, that the mercy of God may cover us for ever and ever.