Life in our shelter
Government shelters (as homeless shelters are called in America) only provide a place to sleep and food, while our task is to help people change their lives, give up their addiction to alcohol or drugs and return to a fulfilling social life.
It is no exaggeration to say that the House of Labour is saving people from dying horribly on the streets. In this case however, (video), we were too late. Dima, that was his name, refused to accept help, although our volunteers tried repeatedly to motivate him during food distribution, and was found dead during our regular outreach one evening.
Our shelter is always open to those who accepted our offer of help. The prerequisite for admission to the House of Good Works is the mandatory treatment for addiction at a hospital in New York, after which we provide a place. Even after entering the House, our residents have to attend rehabilitation programs like the AA meetings for a while. They must continually prove their motivation to change their lives.

It is mandatory to do creative work - keeping things in order, repairs and so on.
In summer 2022, all our residents participated in renewing our workshop where we restore icons, create furniture and maintain our equipment.

Our residents help their friends and others who are still living in the streets, by participating in our weekly outreach and food distribution.
Inevitably, they meet their friends on the streets and tell them about the hope that can be found in the House of Labour shelter.

Saint John said:
The main reason their (homeless) lives are fading on the streets is internal breakdown, frustration, loss of hope.
The St John's Giving Hope Foundation was established in Brooklyn, New York (USA) in 2015 with the aim of helping the homeless in the Brighton Beach area, rehabilitating them and bringing them back to full life. With the creation of the foundation, the activities were formalised, in fact continuously in existence since 2003.

It's not all work..
The other day, we organized a trip to the museum and had a ton of fun.